Life on Earth / Spin 12"
- Life on Earth - Spin Produced by Orlando Kimber,
The first major highlight of their career, The Imps' stunning 12"-only single. It's a cracker! Played by the likes of John Peel and Kid Jenson on Radio One (well, I heard it!), Spin apparently got played in all the chic clubs even in New York (well, I never heard it there!), and has been sampled and re-mixed and all that stuff.
Both sides are brilliant. Life On Earth has vocals by Nick, then lead vocalist. He always sounded very West Country - wonder what they made of that in Manhatten. Spin is more widely known, despite being an instrumental. Both are lively and vibrant, with extraordinary percussion and production. Furthered their career considerably, but they never sounded like this again. Shame, in a way.